BOX OFFICE | 0333 666 3366
The Isle of Wight Literary Festival is a charitable incorporated organisation
Registered charity number 1164814.
Registered office:
Northwood House | Ward Avenue | Cowes | Isle of Wight | PO31 9AZ
Privacy Policy, Cookies & Terms & Conditions
Registered Charity Number: 1164814
© Isle of Wight Literary Festival 2024
Northwood House | Ward Avenue
Cowes | Isle of Wight | PO31 9AZ

What venues do you have?
Our main venue is Northwood House with St Mary's Church adjacent. We also use the Royal Yacht Squadron, The Island Sailing Club and for large capacity audiences Cowes Enterprise College.
Go to About Page for more details on these venues.
Where do we park?
There is a dedicated event car park on the green in front of Northwood House.
The cost of the car park is £3.50 per day. We will now be able to take card payments at this car park.
How do we get there by public transport?
Northwood House car park is on the main bus route into Cowes.
Who do we contact to resolve tickets issues?
We use a provider called Ticketsource. Any problems call 0333 666 3366 in the first instance.
From 14th September - 2nd October Kendalls Fine Art, Bath Road, Cowes, PO31 7QN Tel: 01983 281414 will also act as a physical box office to visit in the run up to the festival. They are open six days a week, 11am - 4pm.
We will have a physical Box Office in the rotunda entrance at Northwood House for the duration of the four day festival.
Is there disabled access?
All venues have disabled access. For our St Mary's venue and those unable to walk very far we have a golf buggy on hand to transport customers.
For those with hidden disabilities, we can accommodate all. We suggest that when booking your tickets please contact our volunteers at volunteer@isleofwightliteraryfestival.com if you require assistance. They manage the venues and access to them, so will be able to prepare any requirements you may need.
Is there food and drink available on site?
Yes, we have a festival cafe serving hot drinks, cakes and lunches. There is also a licensed bar in the festival cafe serving alcoholic beverages.
Where do we buy the speaker's books?
You can buy the books from our festival bookshop, which is organised by Medina Bookshop.
Our festival bookshop is located on site at Northwood House during the festival in the drawing room, accepting card and cash. This is also where authors will be signing books.
What if the weather is bad?
We are an all weather event.
What if a speaker cancels and I have already paid my ticket?
Unfortunately we cannot offer refunds if a speaker cancels as per our Terms and Conditions.
However, we can offer an exchange for an author of the same ticket price or higher, subject to the uplift being paid, subject to availability.
Can I take pictures and video of the speaker sessions?
We respectively ask that you do not take pictures or video of the speaker sessions. This distracts the speaker and session and is also subject to copyright issues.
Professional photos and videos are being made of these sessions. Outside a speaker session photos and videos are permitted.
What happens if I cannot come, how do I get a refund?
TicketSource offers optional refund protection through XCover should you or anyone in your party be unable to attend the event due to:
Adverse weather including snow, frost, fog or storm where the government has issued travel warnings.
Injury, illness or death happening to you, or an immediate family member.
Burglary or fire at your residence in the 48 hours immediately before the event.
Breakdown, accidents, fire or theft of a private vehicle on route to the event.
Unexpected disruption of the public transport network.
Refund protection does not cover situations where the refund is the responsibility of the Isle of Wight Literary (e.g. event cancellation, postponement, etc) and only relates to reimbursement of the tickets and not any travel or associated costs.
By purchasing refund protection, you are agreeing to the XCover terms and conditions which can be found here.
To find out more or to make a claim through XCover, visit the XCover information guide here.
XCover offer a 14 day cooling off period, so you can choose to cancel your refund protection
within this time frame. Refund protection cancellation requests should be sent to
XCover is a third party service. TicketSource is not responsible for any claims made through
My ticket is on my phone is that okay?
Absolutely, your ticket can be on your phone or printed out. Whichever you prefer. As long as the QR code for your ticket is clear and visible our volunteers can scan your ticket to admit entry.
Are dogs allowed at the Isle of Wight Literary Festival?
Northwood House's policy does not allow dogs on site, the only exception to this is assistance dogs.
I printed my tickets, but they are at home, can you give me an entrance slip?
No problem, with our ticketing system, you can have your tickets printed at our box office on arrival, just give your name & email address used to buy the tickets or show the email the ticket was sent to.
Where can I buy programmes?
You can purchase programmes direct from box office on the day for £2.
Where do I go for my talk?
It will be stated on your ticket when you purchase them or on arrival at the entrance to Northwood House, there will be our Box Office to confirm where the talk will be. There will also be programme screens at the entrance signalling where to go.
Can I buy a ticket at the box office?
A physical box office will be available at Kendall’s Fine Art, Bath Road, Gallery in Cowes,
PO31 7QN Tel: 01983 281414 from 25th September – 2nd October. They are open 6 days a week, 11am – 4pm where only card payment is accepted..
Can I pay with cash?
Yes, however, we are trying to move towards a cashless event.
I have tickets for several authors but now realise they are at the same time. Can I change some of them for someone else?
Yes, subject to availability of a similarly priced speaker or higher, subject to the uplift being paid.
I have tickets, but the first one is in the Church and the next one is in the house, have I got enough time to get there as I also want my book signed?
There is usually twenty minutes between sessions. There should be enough time as the authors will be signing their books in the bookshop, which is also close to the second venue.
I have complimentary tickets, can I pick them up at the box office on the day?
I have complimentary tickets, is there special seating for me?
No, it is general admission, unless you have previously given your requirements.
Where can I compliment or complain?
During the event, please go to the box office on site and we will do our best to rectify any issues that have arisen. We have a complaints procedure and forms to complete in this instance.
Emergencies, where is the first aid?
We have a paramedic and first aid station in the Rotunda Entrance next to the Box Office. They are stationed here through the duration of the four day festival.
Cowes Enterprise College - how do I get there and is there parking?
For events taking place at Cowes Enterprise College, parking is available. There are 7 parking bays for disabled blue badge holders as well as a substantial car park for other vehicles.
If you are travelling from or have parked at Northwood House due to attending other speaker events, Cowes Enterprise College is 200 metres walk from the top of the Northwood rotunda entrance, we estimate a 5-10 minute walk depending on abilities. For those less abled to walk from Northwood to Cowes Enterprise College please email volunteer@isleofwightliteraryfestival.com to express your need for assistance with this event.